We intervene and offer legal defence in disputes which you may have with the public authorities in terms of taxes, enforced collection proceedings, proceedings with agreement, proceedings with disconformity and appeals.

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    We will never send commercial mails. We will only use your data to respond to your consultation.

    Specialist lawyers in tax law

    Tax law regulates the action by the public administrations regarding the obtaining of the revenue necessary to carry out their activity.
    Advice in this type of area is important as the tax regulations are constantly changing. As lawyers specialized in tax law, we keep up to date on the legal changes as they occur. In addition, we have great experience in tax advice to clients from different sectors, as well as their defence before the tax agencies.
    The advice by our expert lawyers in tax matters serves to advise you on any doubts or questions which you have both on the individual and on the business level. The LIDIARE lawyers will find the best strategy, with the only goal to minimize your tax costs both in companies with long standing in the market, and with start-ups. With in-depth knowledge of the taxation of each client, we can advise you on the most beneficial mechanisms in the fulfilment of the tax obligations of each company. All this always obtaining the maximum benefit.
    Finally, we also offer our clients defence before the tax agencies regarding the verification, inspection or sanctioning proceedings, in order to defend your interests, including the contentious proceedings if applicable.


    You do not need to worry about anything, click and we will contact you as soon as possible.

      We will never send commercial mails. We will only use your data to respond to your consultation.

        We will never send commercial mails. We will only use your data to respond to your consultation.

        LIDIARE is a firm which is a new alternative in legal services thanks to a team of expert lawyers which guarantees to help in your defence.

        A Coruña| Albacete| Alicante| Almería| Araba / Álava| Asturias| Badajoz| Barcelona| Bizkaia| Burgos| Cáceres| Cantabria| Ciudad Real| Córdoba| Cuenca| Gipuzkoa| Granada| Guadalajara| Huelva| Jaén| La Rioja| Lugo| Madrid| Málaga| Murcia| Navarra| Ourense| Palencia| Pontevedra| Salamanca| Sevilla| Toledo| Valencia| Zamora| Zaragoza

          We will never send commercial mails. We will only use your data to respond to your consultation.

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